Skin toxicity (cutaneous side effects) are a common complication of medical oncology treatments for all types of cancer.

Treatments such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapies, hormonal therapies and radiotherapy can all have cutaneous toxicity reactions.

The severity of skin toxicity complications can range from mild to severe, sometimes requiring discontinuation of oncology treatment.

Sometimes, cutaneous toxicity can be a marker of a good prognosis/treatment response.

Most of these complications can be managed by the treating oncologist, however for those which are more severe or impacting treatment continuation, Perth Dermatology offer experienced dermatologist management, to optimise skin health during oncology treatment.

Some of the skin toxicities which can be managed include vitiligo, pruritus, morbilliform, lichenoid and immunobullous eruptions from immunotherapy; eruptive keratoacanthomas, acantholytic and acneiform eruptions from targeted therapies; and hyperpigmentation, nail changes and toxic erythema of chemotherapy/hand-foot syndrome from chemotherapy.

Referrals from oncologists are welcome to provide dermatological management assistance when required.